Even though I spent a lot of the week wishing I was with Scott and being exhausted/frustrated from those dang 8 year olds I did have some revalations.
Firstly, Camp is for always. Every time I'm back there it's like I never left. I almost always end up in Swanson and I wouldnt have it any other way. But more than that I love that as the years go on the same traditions live on and it gives me sense of self to know that they always will...the Caz clap, the 500 miles dance, night swims, firebowl etc etc...
Second, I can stand many things at Caz that I otherwise cannot. I might even go so far as to say I enjoy them. First being religion. Religion in most of it's organized forms freaks me out except when I am observing it in a museum type fashion. At Caz I can see my religious calling as what it really is. A no pressure way of spreadin love. At camp the only thing that we profess is a love and acceptance of EVERYONE. Everyone is welcome at God's welcome table. Open and affirming is a religious message I can swallow without a chaser.
Nature is another facet of Caz which makes it unique in my interests. Typically I avoid any dirt or hiking and that's ok. But at Caz I love it. I soak it in and I inhale deeply. I volunteer to hike and look at the trees for hours. It is truly mystifying.
Haha the last one is not so interesting, it's dancing. but that's only cuz at Caz you can be yourself!
Ok I lost the writing mood. Byeee