Monday, October 13, 2008


No puedo quejarme de demasiado
My classes are good and interesting, I was stressed for finals but mostly just about arriving on time! I'm such a loser and terrible at factoring in travel time.
Kappa Delta really makes my life happy, simple things like hanging out at the house and having free and delicious lunches then napping on the comfy couch ( my couch! haha), meeting all the girls in my pledge class especially my favorites so far Simone, Chloe, Megan, Kristie...And of course the older girls too Caroline, Heather, Frances, Stacey, Annie, Carmen etc etc. Then there's the dressing u the going out THE CRAFTING, which really boosted my spirits and reminded me that I'm a pretty dang good crafter. And I am ridiculously excited for the BIG revealing....but nervous at the same time.
Our apartment issooo cute and I love being a little homemaker, I dont even mind dishes and you know how I love tidying up ( which is good because Mel tends to be a little slobette). Having her to cuddle with and tell my dumb stories is nice. This past week we wre both super busyso we didnt have that much time together but hopefully soon she will settle into her schedule ( and find a job!) and we can start having a rutine ( like bagel sundays!).
I have been doing biggirl things like working (w ell duh) but hopefully with more hours and soon I'm going to apply for PF Changs or some type ofhostess job to work of the break. I alsoplan on siging up for a credit card soon and buying a printer..hahah all tings that seem normal now.
Im tired of writing...